Gathering of Staff, Sisters & TenantsSrs. Pauline and Rita planting the little white pine
Little white pine symbol of peace
Praying the Prayer of St. Frances
A closing blessing
Laudato Si Team with guest Sr. Mary Sheridan
Expressing gratitude for the gift of God's creation
Thank you to all involved!
Zen Garden
Trees for Nipissing is a grassroots organization started in 2004. They were formerly known as Nipissing Botanical Gardens and had their beginnings with Heritage Gardeners. Planting at the Sisters of St. Joseph Motherhouse was done with the support of the Caisse Alliance. Caisse Alliance, in 2021, funded and helped to plant the Newborn Forest project. The Sisters of St. Joseph, like many others in our community and world, embraced this opportunity of helping to fulfill Pope Francis's call to care for our environment and Mother Earth (Laudato Si). Our deepest gratitude to Judith Veldhuis and her Caisse Alliance team, Peggy Walsh Craig representing Trees4Nippising, and Hal Falk (Eagle Tree Service).
Denis LaMarche helping with earth and waterGroup Photo
October 12, 2022 Caisse Polulaire team with Peggy and Hal
October 12, 2022 Sr. Josie with Caisse Populaire group
Peggy with 30 trees - Silver, sugar, red Maples, sycamore, black cherry, larch, white cedar, red oak
Red maples being planted
Tree planting lessons
Here are some ideas for #4 and #6
6 Ideas to Protect the Earth