Sr. St. Camillus mural;
Left to right, Ms. Cynthia Dwyer, SJGHEL Pastoral Care/Mission Integration, Rev. Anthony Man-Son-Hing, Roman Catholic Priest, Mr. Greg Humbert, Catholic Health Sponsors of Ontario, Chief Elaine Johnson SJGHEL Board Chair, His Excellency Marcel Damphousse, Bishop of Roman Catholic Diocese of Sault Ste. Marie, Mr. Pierre Ozolins, SGJHEL Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Connie Free, SJGHEL Chief Nursing Executive.
The logging camps across the region also had many men who required health care. At this time a pioneer sister, Mother Monica, began the first hospital insurance plan in the region when she traveled by CPR hand car to each of the logging camps. There she promised each worker that if they donated a day’s wage to the hospital, they would always have a bed there, without cost should they need it.
Over the years St. Joseph’s Hospital in Port Arthur/Thunder Bay responded to the unmet needs by continuing to modernize the care for the ill. Most recently, the focus of care has targeted the elderly population, palliative care, services for persons with addictions, rehabilitation and mental health programs.
The pioneer spirit meeting the unmet needs continued as hospitals were opened in North Bay, Sudbury, Blind River, Little Current and Elliot Lake where the sisters were invited to open a hospital when the mines began to develop. The first sister to arrive in Elliot Lake preceded the hospital building and before the building was completed continued the pioneer spirit by living in a trailer.
Today, the sisters no longer are the owners of the hospitals. Some hospitals have closed. However, those in Sudbury, Thunder Bay and Elliot Lake have been transferred to the sponsorship of the Catholic Health Corporation of Ontario (CHCO) which ensures the continuation of the ministry and legacy of our sisters. These institutions are Sudbury – St. Joseph’s Health Centre, Thunder Bay – St. Joseph’s Care Group and Elliot Lake – St. Joseph’s General Hospital.
Our goal in healthcare has always been to continue the healing mission of Jesus.
One of the important parts of healthcare is care for persons at the end of life. To this end St. Joseph’s Centre of Sudbury joined with other organizations to present an End of Life Forum.
St. Joseph's Villa Sudbury, ON
St. Joseph's Elliot Lake, ON St. Joseph's North Bay, ON
Sudbury Gerneral Hospital, Sudbury, ON
St. Joseph's Health Centre, Sudbury
St. Joseph's Care Group, Thunder Bay
St. Joseph's General Hospital, Eliiot Lake