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(Click Title) Dear Sisters and Associates/Companions -- Today, on this fifth week (February 10) of our 2025 Global Coordinating Group calendar, we are invited to listen to the heart of the world and hold in our prayers the Sisters and Associates serving in Burkina Faso as well as all the people in that West African nation.
(Click Title) Dear Sisters and Associates/Companions -- Today, on this fourth week (February 3) of our 2025 Global Coordinating Group calendar, we are invited to listen to the heart of the world and hold in our prayers the many Sisters and Associates serving in Brazil as well as all the people in that nation.
(Click Title) The World Day for Consecrated Life was instituted by Pope John Paul II in 1997 as a day: “to celebrate the gift of consecrated life; to pray for those who have devoted their lives to the Lord; to highlight the role of religion in society and to call attention to the need for new vocations.”
Taking Jesus to the Movies…. A blog by Sister Pat Carter csj
Overcomer,2019, movie on Netflix, a father-daughter story that makes you cry. It is a Christian movie. It is the story of high school basketball coach that is voluntold by his principal that he has to coach cross-country running. The major industry in the town is moving out and many students, many of the basketball all-stars and seniors, are moving to bigger cities. In coaching this new sport the coach assists a young woman of colour to succeed in her athletic goals as well in your personal life.